The Scheme Management and Administration committee will provide guidance to the SAB to understand value and cost of administration. They will consider how scheme managers and administrators can best be supported centrally by identifying best practice and drafting an administration benchmarking guide for publication.





Des Prichard


Cllr Nikki Hennessy


Dawn Docx 


Claire Johnson


Dave Hood (West Yorkshire Pension Fund)


Martin Reohorn (Hereford & Worcester FRS)

Human Resource

Sean Connor (Derbyshire FRS)

Local Pension Boards

Alan Tranter (West Midland FS) 

MS Teams

Agenda 4 November 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 97.1kb)

Draft minutes 4 November 2021 (PDF, 10 pages, 263kb)

MS Teams

Agenda 16 July 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 98kb)

Minutes 16 July 2021 (PDF, 8 pages, 280kb)

18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ

Agenda 15 August 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 189kb)

ITEM 3 Aon report and recommendations (PDF, 8 pages, 325kb)

Minutes 15 August 2019 (PDF, 9 pages, 282kb)

18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ

Agenda 6 June 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 191kb)

Minutes 6 June 2019 (PDF, 9 pages, 304kb)

18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ

Agenda 7 February 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 192kb)

Minutes 7 February 2019 (PDF, 8 pages, 401kb)

18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ

Agenda 7 February 2018 (PDF, 1 page, 196kb)

Minutes 7 February 2018 (PDF, 10 pages, 426kb)

Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill St, London EC1M 5QU

Agenda and objectives 19 May 2017 (PDF, 6 pages, 261kb)