Below are details of meetings of the Board including Board papers, actions and agreements and agendas.
An index of topics discussed by the Board has been added to the site for ease of reference and will be updated following each meeting:
SAB minutes index (PDF, 13 pages, 370kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London, SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 12 December 2024 (PDF, 2 pages, 148kb)
MS Teams
Agenda 12 September 2024 (PDF, 1 page, 136kb)
Item 6 - Induction to FPS factsheet (PDF, 4 pages, 197kb) and powerpoint slides (PDF, 25 pages, 833kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 21 March 2024 (PDF, 1 page, 132kb)
Draft Minutes 21 March 2024 (PDF, 31 pages, 784kb)
MS Teams
Agenda 14 December 2023 (PDF, 1 page, 133kb)
Draft minutes 14 December 2023 (PDF, 17 pages, 324kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 14 September 2023 (PDF, 1 page, 139kb)
Minutes 14 September 2023 (PDF, 28 pages, 419kb)
ITEM 6: Government response to McCloud consultation (PDF, 7 pages, 314kb)
ITEM 8: Action summary update and review (PDF, 4 pages, 107kb)
MS Teams
Agenda 8 June 2023 (PDF, 1 page, 133 kb)
Draft minutes 8 June 2023 (PDF, 12 pages, 288kb)
ITEM 5: First Actuarial update: SCAPE discount rate (PDF, 11 pages, 404kb)
ITEM 6: SAB response to Home Office consultation on retrospective remedy (PDF, 16 pages, 258 kb)
ITEM 8: Action summary and review (PDF, 6 pages, 177kb)
Action summary 8 June 2023 - completed actions (PDF, 23 pages, 319kb)
Action summary 8 June 2023 - outstanding actions (PDF, 9 pages, 175kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ and MS Teams
Agenda 23 March 2023 (PDF, 1 page, 131kb)
ITEM 10 Paper 2: Action summary update (PDF, 4 pages, 107kb)
Minutes 23 March 2023 (PDF, 19 pages, 317kb)
Action summary 23 March 2023 - completed actions (PDF, 22 pages, 293kb)
Action summary 23 March 2023 - outstanding actions (PDF, 9 pages, 175kb)
MS Teams
Agenda 23 January 2023 (PDF, 1 page, 139 kb)
ITEM 5 The Pensions Regulator - Preparing for Pensions Dashboards (PDF, 10 pages, 523kb)
ITEM 7 Paper 2: Remedy timetabling (PDF, 8 pages, 272kb)
ITEM 9 Paper 3: Action summary update (PDF, 3 pages, 99kb)
ITEM 11 Paper 5: Response to HMRC consultation (PDF, 4 pages, 113kb)
Minutes 23 January 2023 (PDF, 26 pages, 340kb)
Action summary 23 January 2023 - completed actions (PDF, 21 pages, 287kb)
Action summary 23 January 2023 - outstanding actions (PDF, 7 pages, 161kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 8 September 2022 (PDF, 1 page, 131kb)
ITEM 8 Paper 5: Pensions Dashboards update (PDF, 22 pages, 337kb)
ITEM 9 Paper 6: Administrator remedy self-assessment survey update (PDF, 3 pages, 99.1kb)
ITEM 10 Paper 7: Action summary update (PDF, 3 pages, 97.7kb)
Minutes 8 September 2022 (PDF, 23 pages, 311kb)
Action summary 8 September 2022 - completed actions (PDF, 19 pages, 274kb)
Action summary 8 September 2022 - outstanding actions (PDF, 7 pages, 161kb)
Agenda 23 June 2022 (PDF, 1 page, 131kb)
ITEM 6 Paper 1: Contingent decisions (PDF, 4 pages, 109kb)
ITEM 7 Paper 2: Action summary update and review (PDF, 7 pages, 162kb)
ITEM 8 Paper 3: SAB membership, committees, and training (PDF, 8 pages, 154kb)
Minutes 23 June 2022 (PDF, 18 pages, 292kb)
Action summary 23 June 2022 - completed actions (PDF, 19 pages, 274kb)
Action summary 23 June 2022 - outstanding actions (PDF, 6 pages, 156kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 24 March 2022 (PDF, 1 page, 133kb)
ITEM 4 Fire England - Cost cap valuation report 2016 - Final (PDF, 26 pages, 575kb)
ITEM 4 Fire England - Cost cap valuation 2016 - Assumptions, methodology and data (PDF, 37 pages, 657kb)
ITEM 4 Home Office FPS comms briefing - publication of final valuation report 2016 (PDF, 4 pages, 167kb)
ITEM 5 Special members second options exercise (Matthews) (PDF, 6 pages, 122kb)
ITEM 6 Home Office consultation response (PDF, 6 pages, 118kb)
ITEM 7 FPS 1992 Scotland commutation (PDF, 6 pages, 412kb)
ITEM 10 Dashboard consultation response (PDF, 3 pages, 108kb)
ITEM 11 Abatement - TPO determination (PDF, 2 pages, 120kb)
Minutes 24 March 2022 (PDF, 25 pages, 329kb)
Action summary 24 March 2022 (PDF, 22 pages, 291kb)
Agenda 9 December 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 151kb)
ITEM 4 Paper 1: Response to Home Office consultation (PDF, 10 pages, 287kb)
ITEM 6 Paper 3: Abatement guidance (PDF, 3 pages, 202kb)
ITEM 6 Draft informal abatement guidance for FRAs (PDF, 14 pages, 328kb)
ITEM 7 FRA remedy self-assessment research report - tracked (PDF, 53 pages, 1,020kb)
Minutes 9 December 2021 (PDF, 25 pages, 317kb)
Draft action summary 9 December 2021 (PDF, 20 pages, 283kb)
Agenda 30 September 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 145kb)
ITEM 4 Paper 1: FRA remedy self-assessment survey (PDF, 6 pages, 140kb)
ITEM 7 SAB risk register (xlsx, 39.2kb)
ITEM 9 Paper 5: Action summary update (PDF, 2 pages, 93.6kb)
Minutes 30 September 2021 (PDF, 18 pages, 313kb)
Action summary 30 September 2021 (PDF, 20 pages, 281kb)
Agenda 24 June 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 146kb)
ITEM 4 Pensions dashboards staging - call for input (PDF, 2 pages, 87.7kb)
ITEM 5.1 Home Office McCloud factsheet - April 2021 (PDF, 7 pages, 124kb)
ITEM 5.2 LGA project management update (PDF, 12 pages, 764kb)
ITEM 7.1 IDRP 2020-21 data request update (PDF, 7 pages, 136kb)
ITEM 7.4 Update on action summary (PDF, 3 pages, 98.4kb)
Minutes 24 June 2021 (PDF, 22 pages, 325kb)
Action summary 24 June 2021 (PDF, 18 pages, 264kb)
Agenda 18 March 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 145kb)
ITEM 4.2 Project management update: LGA (PDF, 7 pages, 216kb)
ITEM 4.2 LGA Project Implementation Document (PID) (PDF, 15 pages, 271kb)
ITEM 4.2 Remedy risk register (xlsx, 383.kb)
ITEM 4.4 Immediate cases (PDF, 5 pages, 184kb)
ITEM 4.5 Outstanding policy decisions (PDF, 6 pages, 196kb)
ITEM 6 Update on action summary (PDF, 2 pages, 97.7kb)
Action summary 18 March 2021 (PDF, 16 pages, 255kb)
Agenda 16 February 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 101kb)
Minutes 16 February 2021 (PDF, 11 pages, 255kb)
Action summary 16 February 2021 (PDF, 15 pages, 242kb)
Agenda 10 December 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 145kb)
ITEM 3 Update on action summary (PDF, 2 pages, 97.3kb)
ITEM 4.3 SAB survey of FRA arrangements (PDF, 2 pages, 115kb)
FRA remedy self-assessment (xlsx, 63.2kb)
ITEM 5.1 SAB workplan (PDF, 3 pages, 170kb)
SAB risk register (xlsx, 38.2kb)
ITEM 5.2 Temporary in the context of the pension schemes (PDF, 3 pages, 102kb)
ITEM 6.1 Ill-health update (PDF, 10 pages, 299kb)
ITEM 6.2 Immediate detriment data (PDF, 7 pages, 150kb)
Minutes 10 December 2020 (PDF, 13 pages, 276kb)
Action summary 10 December 2020 (PDF, 14 pages, 240kb)
Agenda 17 September 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 99.8kb)
ITEM 5.1 Retrospective correction of historic pay mistakes (PDF, 4 pages, 110kb)
ITEM 5.2 Pension administration market and complexity (PDF, 7 pages, 167kb)
ITEM 5.3 Abatement guidance (PDF, 14 pages, 342kb)
ITEM 6.1 Administration strategy consultation response (PDF, 9 pages, 230kb)
ITEM 6.2 COVID-19 governance survey update (PDF, 8 pages, 335kb)
ITEM 6.3 Update on action summary (PDF, 2 pages, 91.8kb)
Minutes 17 September 2020 (PDF, 16 pages, 293 kb)
Action summary 17 September 2020 (PDF, 12 pages, 227kb)
Agenda 3 September 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 101kb)
Public Service Pensions Consultation (PDF, 74 pages, 851kb)
Public Service Pensions Consultation - questions (PDF, 2 pages, 97.7kb)
Public Service Pensions Equality Impact Assessment (PDF, 38 pages, 378kb)
Minutes 3 September 2020 (PDF, 9 pages, 246kb)
Agenda 11 June 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 98.3kb)
ITEM 6.1 Temporary in the context of the pension schemes (PDF, 3 pages, 101kb)
ITEM 6.2 COVID-19 (PDF, 6 pages, 208kb)
ITEM 6.3 Pensionable pay (PDF, 6 pages, 292kb)
ITEM 7.2 LGA update (PDF, 7 pages, 149kb)
ITEM 7.3 Update on action summary (PDF, 2 pages, 42.9kb)
ITEM 7.4 Administration and Benchmarking update (PDF, 4 pages, 180kb)
Minutes 11 June 2020 (PDF, 9 pages, 224kb)
Action summary 11 June 2020 (PDF, 12 pages, 308kb)
This scheduled meeting was held virtually across two dates: 23 March 2020 and 31 March 2020
Agenda 17 March 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 98.4kb)
Code of Conduct policy (PDF, 6 pages, 432kb)
Conflict of Interest policy (PDF, 10 pages, 467kb)
Knowledge and Understanding policy (PDF, 11 pages, 496kb)
ITEM 7 2020 Annual Benefit Statements (PDF, 2 pages, 87.8kb)
ITEM 9 Immediate event data request update (PDF, 4 pages, 172kb)
Minutes 23 March 2020 (PDF, 7 pages, 310kb)
Minutes 31 March 2020 (PDF, 4 pages, 261kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 9 January 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 191kb)
ITEM 6 Scheme Advisory Board 1 April 2020 to March 2024 (PDF, 5 pages, 207kb)
ITEM 8 Non-claimant technical discussions (PDF, 3 pages, 147kb)
Minutes 9 January 2020 (PDF, 13 pages, 429kb)
Action summary 9 January 2020 (PDF, 10 pages, 282kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 3 October 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 199kb)
ITEM 8 Administration and Benchmarking review update (PDF, 24 pages, 733kb)
ITEM 9 Scheme Advisory Board governance update (PDF, 20 pages, 937kb)
Minutes 3 October 2019 (PDF, 11 pages, 473kb)
Action summary 3 October 2019 (PDF, 9 pages, 318kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 13 June 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 191kb)
ITEM 8 Ill-health retirement (PDF, 19 pages, 589kb)
ITEM 9 Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (PDF, 6 pages, 263kb)
ITEM 11 Joint Pension Board guidance (PDF, 8 pages, 383kb)
Minutes 13 June 2019 (PDF, 13 pages, 481kb)
Action summary 13 June 2019 (PDF, 8 pages, 272kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 14 March 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 132kb)
ITEM 8 SAB request for information (PDF, 8 pages, 332kb)
ITEM 9 Technical Group Update (PDF, 3 pages, 256kb)
Minutes 14 March 2019 (PDF, 10 pages, 409kb)
Action summary 14 March 2019 (PDF, 7 pages, 267kb)
St James’ Court Hotel, 54 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AF
Agenda 24 January 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 190kb)
ITEM 4 Committee membership (PDF, 3 pages, 171kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 5 December 2018 (PDF, 1 page, 190kb)
ITEM 6 Committee membership (PDF, 3 pages, 172kb)
Action summary 5 December 2018 (PDF, 6 pages, 263kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 4 October 2018 (PDF, 1 page, 192kb)
ITEM 10 Public Sector Pensions Tax (PDF, 3 pages, 189kb)
ITEM 11 Technical Group Referral (PDF, 1 page, 101kb)
Action summary 4 October 2018 (PDF, 6 pages, 263kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 20 June 2018 (PDF, 1 page, 189kb)
ITEM 9 TPR Governance and Administration Survey Results (PDF, 2 pages, 145kb)
ITEM 11 Annual Conference Sponsorship (PDF, 2 pages, 144kb)
ITEM 12 Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures (IDRPs) (PDF, 3 pages, 211kb)
Minutes 20 June 2018 (PDF, 14 pages, 423kb)
Action summary 20 June 2018 (PDF, 5 pages, 255kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 9 March 2018 (PDF, 1 page, 190kb)
ITEM 7 LPB survey update (PDF, 2 pages, 165kb)
ITEM 9 SAB Risk register (PDF, 7 pages, 194kb)
ITEM 12 Strategic Review - 2018 Workplan (PDF, 2 pages, 176kb)
Minutes 9 March 2018 (PDF, 13 pages, 503kb)
Action summary 9 March 2018 (PDF, 5 pages, 284kb)
18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 1 December 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 216kb)
ITEM 9a ABS survey update (PDF, 10 pages, 383kb)
ITEM 10 SAB communication and branding guidelines (PDF, 5 pages, 435kb)
Minutes 1 December 2017 (PDF, 11 pages, 486kb)
Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill St, London EC1M 5QU
Agenda 25 September 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 223kb)
ITEM 9 Local Pension Board training provided by LGA (PDF, 2 pages, 93kb)
ITEM 11 The Pensions Ombudsman - pensionable pay determination (PDF, 2 pages, 208kb)
Minutes 25 September 2017 (PDF, 11 pages, 343kb)
London Fire Brigade, 169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL
Agenda 14 June 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 277kb)
ITEM 8 The Pensions Regulator: Governance and Administration survey results (PDF, 28 pages, 1,140kb)
Briefing note on ITEMS 10, 11 and 12 (PDF, 2 pages, 109kb)
Minutes 14 June 2017 (PDF, 10 pages, 401kb)
Hilton Newcastle Gateshead, Bottle Bank, Gateshead NE8 2AR
Agenda 6 March 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 224kb)
ITEM 6 Contracted-out reconciliation (PDF, 23 pages, 619kb)
ITEM 7 2016 Funding Valuation (PDF, 6 pages, 363kb)
ITEM 7 Fire Scheme Valuation (GAD) (PDF, 31 pages, 553kb)
ITEM 8 Voluntary Scheme Pays (PDF, 7 pages, 403kb)
Minutes 6 March 2017 (PDF, 5 pages, 232kb)
Barnett Waddingham, Cheapside House, 138 Cheapside, London EC2V 6BW
Agenda 30 November 2016 (PDF, 1 page, 225kb)
ITEM 5 Update on budget and provision of secretariat (PDF, 2 pages, 220kb)
ITEM 7 Communications and Branding (PDF, 5 pages, 397kb)
ITEM 8 Board Membership - Advisors and Observers (PDF, 4 pages, 325kb)
ITEM 10 Sub-Committees (PDF, 2 pages, 182kb)
ITEM 11 2016 Tax Changes (PDF, 1 page, 159kb)
Minutes 30 November 2016 (PDF, 7 pages, 269kb)
Local Government House, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 7 September 2016 (PDF, 1 page, 150kb)
ITEM 7 Fire Pensions Conference - draft agenda (PDF, 3 pages, 295kb)
ITEM 8 The Pensions Regulator - our view on progress (PDF, 21 pages, 754kb)
ITEM 9 FPS Assessment of Code of Practice (PDF, 21 pages, 587kb)
ITEM 10 Firefighters Pensions Technical Working Group (PDF, 8 pages, 631kb)
ITEM 11 Pensionable Pay Workshop (PDF, 2 pages, 234kb)
Minutes 7 September 2016 (PDF, 6 pages, 285kb)
Local Government House, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 26 May 2016 (PDF, 1 page, 150kb)
Minutes 26 May 2016 (PDF, 9 pages, 276kb)
Local Government House, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ
Agenda 20 April 2016 (PDF, 1 page, 92kb)
Minutes 20 April 2016 (PDF, 5 pages, 259kb)